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Unlimited Slides Designs
Unlimited Revisions,
Best Designers,
3-Day Turnaround
For a Flat Fee

Loved by 20+ Agencies

Why Slidez?

Elevate your presentation game

Our presentation designs don't just convey your message; they make your audience sit up, take notice, and remember you.

Save Time, Win Big

Time is money, and we're all about maximizing both. Focus on growing your business while we make you look exceptional.

Your Style, Your Way

No cookie-cutter designs here! With Slidez, you're in the driver's seat. We ensure your presentations reflect your brand's style and personality.

Slick, Seamless Collaboration

Collaborating with us is a breeze. Easily submit content, provide feedback, and track progress. We're all about making your life easier.

How Slidez works?

Subscription & Onboarding

Start your journey with Slidez by selecting the subscription plan that suits your needs. During onboarding, provide us with details about your brand, design preferences, and any specific guidelines

Communicate and order your first presentation design

Communicate with us. Share project details, content and ideas. Receive your first presentation draft promptly and collaborate with us to ensure it meets your expectations

Receive your presentation and order the next one

Once your presentation is ready, you'll receive it in your inbox, polished and professional. For future projects or ongoing support, simply message your next order, and we'll continue delivering tailored, high-quality designs. Everything is included in your subscription



  • Sales Presentations
  • Pitch Decks
  • Business Presentations
  • Educational Presentations
  • Reports

Infinite requests

Infinite design requests and revisions. Receive the perfect presentation

Fast delivery

Receive your designs in 3-4 days. Request unlimited changes

Async communication

Everything is asynchronous. No need to sit on calls

Guaranteed quality

We will ensure that all the deliverables are of the highest quality


Why no calls or meetings?

By eliminating calls and meetings, we optimize your experience by allowing you to conveniently manage your presentation needs entirely online. This approach saves you time, streamlines the design process, and allows us to focus on delivering top-notch presentations promptly.

What if I don’t like my design?

Your satisfaction is our priority at Slidez. If you're not thrilled with your presentation designs, our team is committed to making it right. You can provide feedback, request revisions, and collaborate with our designers until your vision is captured perfectly. We aim to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with the final result.

Why Slidez instead of hiring?

Choosing Slidez over hiring an in-house design team offers several advantages. With Slidez, you gain access to a dedicated team of experienced designers without the overhead costs of hiring, training, and managing employees. We offer cost-effective, subscription-based plans that fit your budget. Focus on what you do best while we take care of your presentation design requirements.

How do I manage my subscription?

Upon subscribing, you'll receive an email with a link to our customer portal. Inside the portal, you can: 1) Check Subscription Status; 2) View Invoices; 3) Pause or Cancel the Subscription. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is always here to help.

Can I refund?

Absolutely! We offer refunds within the first 7 days of your subscription if you're not completely satisfied with our service. Your happiness is our priority, and we want to ensure you have a risk-free experience with Slidez.